Tuesday, October 30

Be like Dave

I think I'll be like Dave and post every 10-14 days or something. Though it's only been 9 days as of today. I also think that I'll brag about my fantasy football team. Check it out:

Mesquite Bulldawgs530.625--
Dallas Panthers251.3132.5
Mesquite Dirty Birds260.2503

KY Sasquatch8001.000--
Mesquite Mustangs620.7502
Alabama SomethingStupid440.5004
Texas Big Dawgs440.5004
Marlton Mean Machine440.5004

I'm Sasquatch. It fits, because I'm crushing the competition. My margin of victory is +27.9; for reference, the next best is the Mustangs at +11.3. John Hollinger would be proud. So there.

In real sports, UK football is trying to revert back to its old ways by turning the ball over six times against a sub-par defensive team. Let's hope it was a fluke. On a happier note, the Spurs open the NBA season tonight with their championship ring ceremony. Time for Timmy, Tony, and Manu to do it again.

In real life news, student teaching is improving. Mr. Marsh has let me do warmups every day since last Monday, I started a piece (Agnus Dei by Hans Leo Hassler) with one group on Friday, and I'm starting a couple more pieces (This Train arr. by Earlene Rentz and O Magnum Mysterium by Tomas Luis de Victoria) with other groups later this week. The students seem to like me, so that's good, but they talk so dang much. It's not that there are a whole lot of discipline problems; they really have none. They just can't stop talking, and it bugs the crap out of me.

Quote of the week: (large special ed. boy explaining why he refuses to sing in his normal register, instead singing falsetto all the time) "I don't want to sound like an old woman!"

Sunday, October 21

Blogs suck

I have long maintained that I would not have a blog. My family thinks differently, apparently. Oh, well. You win some, you lose some.

I didn't know what to write about on my first post, so it's just a little of everything. Enjoy.

We went camping on Friday, as you probably know from Ashley's blog. It was pretty sweet; the weather was perfect, the company was great, the fire was warm (once it got started). The campsite was a little cramped, and we were right next to a group of 15-20 college students from Ohio Northern University who were in a camping a backpacking class. One dude came over to say hi after he heard Chris playing the guitar. We didn't get his name, but Ashley said he looked like a Thad. I guess so. We also walked up to the natural bridge, which was pretty cool looking at this time of year. You can see pictures on Ashley's blog. I'm too lazy to put them on here.

So I'm depressed about UK's loss to Florida, but I'll get over it. We've just got to regroup and remember that we can still be a factor in the SEC race. It sucks that USC and UF have the tiebreaker over us. By the way, we're 0-2 in the SEC East. No good.

School has been very interesting. I finished up my student teaching at Squires (the elementary school) on the 12th, so I've been at Lafayette High for three days (Fayette Co. had the 18th and 19th off). Their choirs are really good, as is their director, Ryan Marsh, who looks like he's about 16. I'm really looking forward to working with them. I hope he gives me a good amount of time with his good choirs and he stops ignoring me in class. That'd be good. The highlight of the first three days was the Men's and Women's Choir concert. The Men's Choir has 12 members, and 8 of them are designated special ed. Very interesting group, to say the least. I'm not sure why they decided to put a bunch of special ed. kids in choir, but I suppose it's better than having a bunch of kids who don't want to be there.

Finally, Ashley and I are working on having a baby. As our good friend Dan so eloquently explained in his Guiness-induced state, it's easy and fun work. Indeed, Dan.

Quote of the Day: "If I was someone else, I would annoy me." - Ashley (You don't annoy me, honey!)